A Whole New Mind

Fatima Batool
3 min readOct 10, 2020
Amal Academy taught me how to think

Joining Amal prep fellowship was accidental, actually I was a person that didn’t want to come out of the comfort zone, my friend forcefully made me apply for this fellowship and I think I can never thank her enough for this, this whole journey was full of learning new things not only about job skills but, I myself got changed a lot in just these 3 months.

In the start I was like nah its tough I can’t do it, online courses were challenging for me as I never commented on anything, In the start it took me 15–20 minutes just to post a single comment, but with the time online courses and commenting become fun and now it took me just 2 to 3 minutes to write my thoughts.

This fellowship changes me and my way of looking at things, a lot, making others happy, growth mindset, kindness, learning from failure, taking risks, arranging things in order, Pomodoro, gratitude, finding little reasons around to be happy, these things are now part of my daily life.

Most importantly, before joining this fellowship I didn’t have any goal, I was just going with the flow but through this fellowship I set my goal, I came to know about myself, what do I want to do and even helped my friend in setting her goal.

It helped me a lot in knowing myself. Through this fellowship I came to know about my wishes, my likes, my dislikes, my strengths, my weaknesses.

I met so many new people from different areas with different ways of looking at things and different point of views, it helped me a lot in knowing and dealing with different people which will for sure help me in professional life.

The thing that had the most impact on me is “now I always try to make others feel happy, I try to make them feel important.” And even I try to tell others to not to make someone’s life tough and don’t make anyone feel unimportant.

I think we are living in the society where degrading and making others feel down is common, if we see around we can see the World full of people, who are busy making people feel unimportant and bad, busy in making fun of other’s weaknesses. Because it is so common, I think that’s why I picked and developed this change in me, at least I can make the people around me, feel important and precious. Doing so, not only makes them happy but also making them happy, makes me feel happier.

Now when I look back, it felt like I was a totally different person just scared from taking risks and going with the flow not getting affected from how other’s feel or if they feel unimportant, I was a person who never accepted the feedbacks, I was always like starting giving explanations on getting feedback but now I totally got change. It’s all because of Amal fellowship and the thoughtful courses and activities. I used to think that the motivational videos or other such videos do not affect me but now if I see I got totally change by watching such videos, reading articles and experiencing new things.


